The Chamber Minute 07/14/23

The Chamber Minute 07/14/23

The Chamber Minute

As I mentioned last week, every year, about this time, I conduct a one on one conversation with each of the 21 members of the Chamber Board. The purpose is to get their sense of where the organization is at and where it’s headed. I shared some of those insights with you on three of the five subject areas already. Here are the last two.

Improvements & Opportunities

• We need consistency in our activities
• Chamber has changed this year with new fresh ideas. So many initiatives and goals to educate and interact with members and the community, makes me very excited.
• Sharing of goals and projects, that take time, are important for success
• There is new vision with a push to digital with video proposed and more interactive connections. That’s important as people doing business here don’t always live here.
• We have done a lot of changes lately
• Need to understand how to get more folks more engaged.
• We offer lots of good ideas floating around for positive change
• Like the new ideas like the business education proposal, uniting the SBDC, BBSi , Cardinal and more to focus on value to our business members, their needs and operational help.
• We need to do something during the summer when the WBC is not running
• Maybe we could have a simple Happy Hour gathering, say monthly or quarterly, just for the sake of building relationships.
• The Chamber needs to do more outreach. Maybe we could delegate or automate that role.
• We should visit the entire membership at least two times per year.


• The chamber has a solid public image
• Happy with my Chamber involvement, as it gets my brain working.
• We have been busy with the challenges coming out of COVID.
• As we emerge from that COVID time we are looking for a working balance and realize we can’t do everything.
• Even though the COVID times were stressful ones, we worked together to make it through successfully.
• You will never understand the worth of the chamber unless you are involved.
• I like that we didn’t fold during the COVID pandemic. We kept it going and now we are rebuilding.
• Enjoyed getting involved in the community, through the Chamber
• This is my home, and the Chamber is working hard to fix the issues and problems impacting it.
• Proud to be a member
• We all need to stay more connected.
• The Chamber experience has been really good for me personally and professionally.
• During COVID we all came together, with ideas and energy, to ensure we survived, (Community, Business & Chamber).
• Appreciate all the chamber does for the community and business
• During COVID, the Chamber had everyone’s back by providing information and help.
• Everything done benefits businesses in the area.

So Chamber member, lots of great things going on that you can be part of today. Give us a call and we’ll line you up.
Remember our business is helping your business. And like us on Facebook.