The Chamber Minute 06/09/23

The Chamber Minute 06/09/23

The Chamber Minute

The Chamber is led by a Board of 21 Directors, chosen from its membership. Each year, in September, about 1/3 of them are up for election, for a new three year term. So what does a board member do?

Your Chamber board determines policies and sets goals aimed at improving the well being of our community. They team with other directors in developing a program of work, through the Chamber, that gives the community the greatest opportunity for growth and prosperity. You must believe strongly in the problem solving powers that are created when people are mobilized for action.

Board members are doers, not just policy makers. They lead by example. They all serve on at least one of the Action Teams, like Tourism or Business Development & Support , or Leadership Coos, or Transportation or the Legislative Action team, just to name a few. They encourage other members to actively participate as well. They ensure the Team has clearly defined objectives to meet its responsibilities and challenges. They also have fun.

Your community has succeeded as a result of people working together. Your Chamber of Commerce provides the perfect mechanism for continued community cooperation and success. As a director you have an opportunity—and an obligation—to move your Chamber and the community into an even more dynamic future.

So Chamber member, if this sounds like an exciting opportunity to you, throw your hat in the election ring. Give us a call and we will line you up with the nominating committee as it puts together its slate of new directors, next month, for the September election.

The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, remember Our Business is Helping your Business. And like us on facebook.