With fallen leaves clogging your gutters, frost on the windshield and Holiday Lights blazing, we begin thinking about the New Year. At the Chamber, we begin our preparation for 2023’s opportunities and successes with the annual Board planning session.
For the past several years we have used your input about what you see are the most important issues facing our community, how you think the Chamber has been dealing with them and what you would like to have us address in the next year.
With that information the Chamber defines its annual priorities.
To ensure that businesses succeed and our community thrives in our Bay Area, the Chamber is committed to the following:
Create a strong local economy
Through supporting the retention and growth of existing local business, focusing on tourism opportunities, supporting industrial development in our area, facilitating new business wanting to relocate here & streamlining the state and local permitting process.
Promote the Community
Through using a positive area marketing message both internally and externally, promoting Oregon’s Adventure Coast, by collaborating with other agencies on product/area branding and by supporting the area’s visitor centers.
Provide Networking Opportunities
The Chamber is the hub of information for business & community, utilizing events like Business after Hours, Wednesday Business Connection and the Economic Outlook Forum and more, to spread the word.
Represent Business Issues
By advocating for business issues at all levels of government, continuing to research and take positions on issues important to business and community, and by strengthening lobbying efforts with the state.
Build a strong Chamber
Engage new active members for committees and events; provide a mentoring program to ensure their success and incorporate best practices from Chambers around the state to continue our growth and effectiveness into the future
Part of the success of that effort depends on leadership. The Executive committee for 2023 was elected earlier this month, so let me share that information with you.
President— Stacy Dewater—Star of Hope
President-Elect—Allison Richards—CB NB CH VCB
Past President— Rick Osborn—Farmers Insurance
Vice President—Government Affairs & Economic Development—Ron Kutch—West Coast Contractors
Vice President—Tourism & Membership—Jeremy Oliver—Yellow Cab Taxi Co.
Vice President—Communications & Community Outreach—Tracy Pierce—NW Natural
Secretary— Lisa Farr—Farr’s Hardware
Treasurer— Steve Nye—Engles Furniture
Your community has succeeded as a result of people working together. Your Chamber of Commerce provides the perfect mechanism for continued community cooperation and success. So, come join us and be part of the Team!
Remember our business is helping your business. And like us on Facebook!