The Chamber Minute 03/10/23

The Chamber Minute 03/10/23

It’s almost Spring! Our thoughts turn to the daffodils, baseball and getting ready for visitors. Isn’t it amazing how your spirits rise with all that late afternoon daylight? Who do you expect to see enjoying our beaches, sand dunes, mountain bike trails or bistros? Seems like most people begin to travel in the Spring time.

If you think your business isn’t a tourist related business, think again. In 2019 Coos County visitors spent $43 million on entertainment and recreation. They spent over $30 million in retail stores and another $26 million in grocery stores. In total, visitors spent some $277 million in Coos County and guess what, it’s your employees that keep them coming back.

Remember when a person who had one bad experience used to tell 10 other people about it? Some 20 years ago, Travel Oregon estimated that each bad experience cost a community $20,000. With Facebook, Twitter and other social media tools, imagine what that costs equates to today.

Now imagine what great experiences can do for your business. Visitors spend more and stay longer if they feel welcome. Consumers will pay 10% more for a product or service from businesses that offer great customer service. Also, to replace an existing customer your businesses spend five times more to attract a new one.

So, what can we do to get ready for this spring’s guests? Focus on customer service and visitor appreciation with your staff. Whether you use Travel Oregon or some other training source, it only takes a little time to make a big difference for your business and our community.

 The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, remember Our Business is helping your Business. And like us on Facebook.