The Chamber Minute 02/19/24

The Chamber Minute 02/19/24

Rosey’s Minute 02/19/2024

February is about Love and reminders in life on how to love better are always beneficial to me, My husband and I have been at odds over a busted old sailboat that has appeared at my home, as a “someday project” Just another “thing” to mess up my yard, like the motorhomes and other projects before it.. ugh! If you guys only knew…but on the other hand, I can see the excitement in his eyes in the way he talks about it. How can we come together on this? I guess I’ll have to look at that busted up boat a while longer, sacrificing for the greater good of my home and my marriage even though it isn’t what I wanted. Being on social media these days apparently lots of us are feeling as messed up and messy as the world seems right now. And things are indeed messed up and messy and disagreements flying, but even in these hard, weird times, it is possible to fall in love with this broken world and the broken people who currently call this place Home. It is possible to work issues together, we need to LOVE our area here, messy as things get, we have to stick together on issues and work for a better tomorrow for the area we love. Not allowing our differences to separate us or keep us from being effective, we can and must work together. It’s not only possible, it’s essential to our survival in the Bay Area.
It won’t be easy, but it’s worth it. And as we fall in love with our messy selves and as we fall in love with the many messy others we encounter in our lives and as we fall in love with this whole messy world we’re living in, we’ll find it a little easier to do our part to help clean things up a bit if we Look to Love…Look to serve…make the world a better place.

H Jackson Brown Jr said “ Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. PS I Love You

(So I say as Im hoping this quote might get me bonus points with my husband)…Happy February Remember our business is helping your business and don’t forget to like us on FB.


February 21st WBC Wednesday Business Connection Lunch Presents:  Safety Officer Luke Martinez from Coos County Aquatics program  11:30 – 1pm Mill Casino Salmon Room

February 22nd Thursday Directory Distribution Day (10am Volunteers meet at the Chamber office 145 Central Ave Coos Bay to pick up supplies and map)

ALSO FEB 22 5pm -7pm “Chilin with NW Natural After Hours Chili and all the fixins for the whole Community! Come Celebrate with us 5pm -7pm at NW Natural  1625 N 7th street Coos Bay